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JCC Global

Registration is open for a new Hub and much more

A new Hub:

Journeys-Tourism as a Lever of JCC Growth

Attention: JCC Executive Directors, JCC professionals and lay leaders

Registration is now open for the Dr. Mark Ramer JCC Global Hub:

Journeys-Tourism as a Lever of JCC Growth, in partnership with ECJC. It will open on April 19th, 2023 at 11 a.m. NY time/ 6:00 p.m. Israel time.

The Hub will combine the long time Jewish experience of movement, pilgrimage, and immigration with the unprecedented global phenomenon of tourism. It will help JCCs utilize their local touristic treasures to grow their membership and revenue. At the same time, the Hub will also encourage JCCs to design and implement life changing experiences for their members and leadership in other countries. All within the context of Jewish Peoplehood - connecting different communities, cultures, histories, and tastes into one global colorful tapestry.

Sign up now – registration form link

The program will take place in English, with simultaneous translation to Russian and Spanish upon request

The 49th Aviv Carlos Halpert Jewish Dance Festival of CDI Mexico Celebrates 49

Centro Deportivo Israelita's (CDI-JCC Mexico) signature event, Festival Aviv, has been the biggest Jewish festival in Mexico for nearly 50 years. The festival, a week-long event with a variety of public presentations and segments, draws about 14,000 visitors in total, with the participation of 80 groups and about 1,200 dancers between the ages of 15 and 20.

As technology continues to play an increasingly important role in all facets of society, Festival Aviv has changed to stay up to date. Hence, the Festival has introduced the video-dance category, which enables the transmission of both pre-recorded and live choreographies. This new category expands and reaches a scattered audience in numerous nations. For the third year, JCC Global is partnering and co-sponsoring the international Online Performance of Festival Aviv with 11 dance troupes from Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Israel, and Ukraine. It is part of an outstanding 10 day long Jewish Dance Festival of the highest level. You are welcome to join the celebration: Sunday, March 12, at 11 a.m. Mexico time/ 12:00 p.m. NY time / 7:00 p.m. Israel time by joining the CDI YouTube channel. The face-to-face festival ended earlier this week, with hundreds of dancers and thousands of spectators. Click here for a taste of the Festival with the Punto CDI Monte Sinai dancers.

JCCs Response to the War in Ukraine at Atlanta JCCA Mifgash

As part of the JCCA Atlanta Mifgash, several JCC Global colleagues presented at a moving session dedicated to the JCCs response to the war in Ukraine. You are welcome to watch the recording here.

JCC Global speakers included: Leonard Petlakh, Executive Director, Kings Bay Y and JCC Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY, USA; Oksana Mantuzova, Executive Director, Hesed Hana Beit Graham JCC, Krivy Rig, Ukraine; Marcel Kenesei, Executive Director, Balint Haz JCC, Budapest, Hungary; Alex Budnitsky, CEO and Executive Director of the Marks JCH of Bensonhurst, New York, NY.

Sign up for a Symbolic Pledge for Ukraine

A year after the war in Ukraine broke out, two committed JCC directors that are heavily involved with helping Ukraine, have initiated a symbolic pledge drive for Ukraine Alex Budnitsky, CEO and Executive Director of the Edith & Carl Marks JCH of Bensonhurst, NY and Jonathan Ornstein, CEO of the JCC of Krakow, who are also JCC Global Fellows, are inviting you to read and join:

Celebrating Purim Together

Hundred and thirty members of Migdal JCC in Odessa and Mikoalev JCC, all from Ukraine, celebrated Purim as guests of the Balint JCC in Budapest, thanks to a JCC Global shidduch and co-sponsorship. Thank you, JCC Global Team

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