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New Year, New Hubs!

Registration is now open to 3 new

Dr. Mark Ramer JCC Global Hubs

that will open in March 2022


(Human and Earth) Hub

In partnership with JNF/KKL, this Hub will connect young (up to 35 years old) JCC professionals and Jewish activists from around the world into one virtual space with the goal of becoming sustainability advocates in their communities.

Celebrating Life -

Stories of Holocaust Survivors

JCC Global brings together JCC Krakow and its new initiative "Holocaust Survivor Day" and Zikaron BaSlaon to present to JCCs around the world ways in which we can celebrate the achievements of Holocaust survivors and carry their message of resilience and hope to future generations.

Building a Thriving Teen Community

In the wake of a global pandemic that interrupted youth education in so many ways, this Hub will offer a safe space for JCC Teen professionals from around the world to learn and explore successful strategies and models that will help build a stronger teen community. The Hub is in partnership with Responcity, a unique program that develops social-emotional skills and civic engagement.

Stay tuned for additional Hubs that will roll out later in the year: Bringing Jewish Peoplehood to JCCs in partnership with ANU- Museum of the Jewish People, Reviving Yiddish Culture in partnership with the National Yiddish Theater Folksbiene, Tourism as a Lever for JCC Development in partnership with European Council of Jewish Communities (ECJC) and more.

As we are about to celebrate the holiday of Tu Bishvat amidst a brutal resurgence of the Omicron virus, we are reminded of the poignant words of our sages:

One whose deeds exceed his wisdom -- to what is he similar? To a tree whose branches are few and whose roots are many; even if all the winds in the world come and blow against it, they will not move it from its place. (Ethics of the Fathers, 3:17)

We are certain that the strong roots of JCCs, anchored in Jewish values, community building and joint responsibility will help us weather the storm together.



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