A series of 6 bi-weekly webinars, each one 1.5 hours long.
Starting on Thursday, October 7, 2021, every two weeks, at 18:00 Israel time, 11:00 am New York.
Language: English
Target Audience:
Executive Directors of JCCs, senior lay leaders of JCCs, Resource Development Directors, JCC staff members who would like to learn more about the topic.
100 USD per person for the entire hub sessions.
Or - 200 USD for up to 3 people from the same JCC.
Program Description:
Back by popular demand, JCC Global will open the second cohort of a Hub that will focus on the fiscal sustainability of JCCs. It will present the building blocks for a successful resource development strategy equipped to tackle current and future trends. It will offer a safe space to compare and contrast best practices and share ideas and dilemmas.